A Letter from Our Interim Executive Director
Dear Friends,
As we look back on the 2022 Virtual Summer Peace Conference, A Time to Heal, I want to share some thoughts as I complete my service to BPFNA-Bautistas por la Paz as Interim Director on September 30.
Healing is a powerful, but misunderstood, word. Of course there's a material component. During the pandemic we confronted the fragility of our bodies, realizing how easily our breath, mobility, and energy—even our lives—can be taken from us. But there's a spiritual component, too. Facing the fragility of our bodies may leave us feeling helpless; surviving might engender feelings of guilt. We have been isolated and fearful for so long, some of us remain uncomfortable leaving our homes.
Between the trauma of a pandemic and the wounds of unjust systems, we need healing of the soul. This kind of pain and grief stretches beyond all borders, from generations of families and nations to relationships between humans and nature. As Paul reminds us, "if one part suffers, every part suffers with it" (1 Corinthians 12:26). All things are united and connected. This means healing also resonates beyond ourselves, a space that makes all things whole and well.
In the past three years, BPFNA-Bautistas por la Paz became a healing space for me. The uniqueness of BPFNA’s transparency, trust, utter support and commitment brought healing for past institutional and personal wounds amidst an exhaustive pandemic mode of survival. Healing came as an awareness of acceptance, hope and friendship: acceptance for the things that happened and can’t be changed but learned from, hope for the things we can do to build a different future, and friendship for the nurturing bonds created in a work that can’t be done alone. We were able to keep BPFNA up and running because you gave—and gave abundantly!—in time, ideas, and financial gifts. We were able to explore new virtual spaces and relationships because you trusted our ingenuity and persistence. Thank you for being together—en conjunto!
Healing has become part of BPFNA as it moves beyond its own borders into a new and exciting phase with a provoking strategic plan and a new executive and staff. We truly want to be undeniably rooted in the vision of a world that we can build – en conjunto, together – so that we all fit in as we come to terms with our part in a patriarchal and racist system robbing us all of our worth as human beings. Therefore our 2022 Virtual Summer Peace Conference Week has been all about healing…
for in a world of unending losses, demises, lies and injuries
hope, companionship, and knowledge are triggers for restoration.
I am deeply thankful for you as you have shared part of my journey to become whole, to heal and to continue building "peace with justice." I look forward to seeing the amazing future for our peacemaking work, knowing that each of you will continue to give and give abundantly!
So in my final message to you, I invite you to make a gift today and help our movement expand to new spaces to heal together as we move toward awareness of acceptance, hope, and friendship.
I have been honored to serve BPFNA-Bautistas por la Paz and its amazing group of people.
¡En profunda gratitud por cada uno de ustedes! I am grateful for each and every one of you!
Siempre en Esperanza,