Beyond Barriers: Soaring in the Spirit with Resistance and Hope, in Constant Movement

Our 2021 Summer Conference was again virtual. Although we thought that perhaps, more than one year after the start of the coronavirus pandemic, everything would be better, that we could meet face to face, the reality was different. We continued with this uncertainty of not knowing what the future would bring us. However, what we did know is that we wanted to celebrate again in community, yes, virtual, but a community that accompanies, and has accompanied one another in difficult times.

Thinking again about a virtual program at first was not easy, since we were already feeling an accumulated fatigue from so many virtual meetings and events, and with the desire to finally meet live. The program that we would present had to be something different. In 2020 we learned many things, and we decided to think about something different, take on the challenge and take the risk. And it happened!

For 40 years, Moses walked with the people through the desert. Forty days Jesus spent in the desert preparing. Forty days after his crucifixion, Jesus appeared to his disciples. And…40 days were those that we shared this year as peacemakers with BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz. The number 40 shows us that after a time of preparation, of reflection, a change will always come, something different and good.

We wanted to offer something different from what we offered in 2020, a diversity of activities for the BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz community (and beyond). We wanted to bring together around the central theme the great community of peacekeepers, of all ages and all participating regions, and be able to offer them tools for their work for peace with justice. And something that we looked for at that time was to connect with more people who work for peace with justice, to know their work, to create ties for ideas or future projects. And it happened.

Maybe planning for 40 days was something ambitious; however, we wanted to offer a wide range of activities and, above all, tools that we could use in our work as peacemakers in our own contexts. So we set about thinking about how to make as diverse a program as possible, one that would offer us practical things, a broader picture of what is happening in all of the regions, and activities for all ages. And so the 40 days with BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz arose.

From virtual workshops (16 in total) with the participation of different regions of the Americas and even Africa; two panel sessions with the participation of different regions of our continent, talking about women and Afro-descendant communities; two life stories sessions, with testimonies about the defense of the land and resistance movements; Movie Night; a virtual party; Open Mic; a program for children and teenagers; young adult meetings; meetings for seminarians; and the membership meeting. All of this was preparing the way for our International Virtual Conference, where the person in charge of closing, sharing the word and challenging us, was Rev. Doug Avilesbernal.

Here are some of our achievements: 40 days of activities; some 30 activities; 10 participating regions (USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Colombia, Argentina); around 60 people participating as activity leaders or as part of the team; 100 participants on average during the 40 days; simultaneous translation in all activities, without exception; one theme song: four languages, 40 voices, five regions; six weeks of creative meditation (liturgical, artistic and creative activities); and the International Virtual Conference.

We have learned in these two years that technology can be a very useful tool in our work as BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz, since it has helped us to be close to more people, something that perhaps we would not have achieved live. We continue to learn, without a doubt, but we must always remember that with little we can do great things. It’s only a matter of wanting and having the desire to do it.

Personally, in these 40 days I was very moved with the participation of each of the people (leaders, participants and support team), some who were faithful participating and supporting at all times, even though they had great difficulties for connecting, or they were facing other kinds of situations.

Yes, we still have things to improve, topics to talk about, many ideas to carry out, difficult situations to face. Today I can tell you that BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz is not the same, and continues to transform. No one said that the road was easy, but we continue to build hope step by step. There is still a long way to go, and I firmly believe in the work and commitment of BPFNA ~ Bautistas por la Paz in favor of peace, justice, and a dignified life for all people.

How will we continue beyond the barriers? Beyond our virtual conferences 2020 and 2021, even in the midst of a pandemic that has not ended, and in the midst of increasing, extreme situations of violence, injustice, inequality, economic, emotional and spiritual crises—we want to and can go further. And this is the answer, propelling and soaring flight in the power of the Spirit in community, because in this time we discover that we’ve not been alone, we need each other. It is a community that supports itself at all times, that stands and firmly believes that another world is posible. Only with the movement and the breath of the Spirit will we reach unimaginable places.

Más allá de las barreras: Sobre las alas del Espíritu—Beyond barriers: Soaring in the Spirit, with resistance and hope, in constant movement. Yes, beyond the barriers, because we trust in God. And because of this, our strength will be renewed: new wings, new dreams, new challenges for this new reality of a world in need of rest and healing.

Ximena Ulloa Montemayor

Archaeologist and Mexican liturgist. She has been part of the BPFNA-Bautistas por la Paz Staff since 2016, as the coordinator of the Summer Conference and events (2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023). She collaborates with various ecumenical networks such as Red Crearte (Latin American Liturgy Network), RECONPAZ (Continental Network for Peace), and is part of the Editorial Board of the book "Palavra na Liturgia" of the Escola Superior de Teología (São Leopoldo, Brazil).


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