Ecological Justice - Day 2
Deivit Montealegre Deivit Montealegre

Ecological Justice - Day 2

Let’s imagine for a moment that we are the architects of a colossal building called “Development.” Its foundation is built upon the exploitation of a planet we perceive as endlessly generous. Our theological beliefs have elevated us to a position of supreme dominance over this construction, distancing ourselves from non-human life and justifying our excessive plundering. But what happens when this building starts to crack as temperatures rise, oceans warm, and human lives are endangered? Today, with the accelerated climate change and human displacement we face, our building is teetering on the edge. It is time to examine the very foundations of our notions of justice, development, and progress and ask ourselves: Are we constructing a monument to our prosperity or digging our own grave? 

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Racism, Faith, and Christian Ethics - Day 1
Agustina Luvis Núñez Agustina Luvis Núñez

Racism, Faith, and Christian Ethics - Day 1

The Bible is clear and unequivocal in affirming that all human beings have been created in the image of God (Gen 1:26) and therefore, are equal. Eradicating racism is the restoration of the image of God in humanity. Seeking God is the challenge and opportunity to reclaim and vindicate our human condition. It's reestablishing communion with God and with our neighbor.

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Deconstructing Gender: Moving Towards Justice and Equity - Day 1
Rubén David Bonilla Ramos Rubén David Bonilla Ramos

Deconstructing Gender: Moving Towards Justice and Equity - Day 1

This week, we will be working on a theme centered around mountains, and understanding them, in many cases, as theological ideas that have tried to tell us who God is and how to understand our fellow human beings. As we move these mountains, we must question theologies that have been established as unquestionable and absolute for centuries. Rethinking gender and theology from diversity and fluidity also implies questioning our own ideas of God, the Sacred, biblical interpretation, church, and community.

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Social Justice - Day 1
Deivit Montealegre Deivit Montealegre

Social Justice - Day 1

Social justice is not simply an adjustment of inequalities within existing systems. Instead, it is a radical transformation of these systems and a reevaluation of the ways in which these systems reflect and perpetuate inequalities. It requires a recognition of cultural diversity, resistance to forms of power that perpetuate inequality, and a commitment to decolonization and autonomy. These are the themes we must address in our discussions and efforts to achieve social justice.

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Seeds, Mountains, and Quantum Energy
Doris Garcia Rivera Doris Garcia Rivera

Seeds, Mountains, and Quantum Energy

Pain and suffering can destroy us, but on the other hand, it can help us grow constructively. It can tear a community apart, but it can also integrate it and make it stronger. Having faith like a mustard seed, capable of "moving mountains," is a metaphor for quantum mechanics. It conveys the idea that the smallest amount of faith or energy can have a powerful impact on life. The problem isn't whether the disciples had enough faith. Their inability to heal the young man wasn't due to a lack of belief, but a lack of love. The question is: Do we have enough love?

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Interview: Ximena Ulloa
Rubén David Bonilla Ramos Rubén David Bonilla Ramos

Interview: Ximena Ulloa

Ximena Ulloa works with BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz as events coordinator. In this exclusive interview she reflects on the work of planning Peace Camp.

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Letter from the Editor
Rubén David Bonilla Ramos Rubén David Bonilla Ramos

Letter from the Editor

It's finally here! The Baptist Peacemaker editorial team is pleased to introduce the new format and website of the Baptist Peacemaker, the journal of BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz. We are very proud of the work that has been done, work that continues to be carried out and expanded daily. We hope that this new format allows you to enjoy our magazine while keeping our membership and readers connected to the peace stories we encounter every day.

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